
1.7.3 - 20 June 2024

  • FIX: Removing test tags in blocks
  • UPDATE: Borlabs v3 cookie consent
1.7.2 - 13 June 2024
  • AI: Upgrade to GPT 4o
  • FIX: conversion pixel ajax_url/ordervalue undefined
  • FIX: conversion/visit not defined warning
1.7.1 - 3 June 2024
  • FIX: activate function not identifying some Agency levels
  • FIX: broken open in new window image
  • FIX: int to float conversion PHP8.2 compatibility
  • UPDATE: Test estimator improve guessing speed
1.7.0 - 31 May 2024
  • NEW: Conversion pixel - using img tag rather than iframes/scripts. Much more accurate and flexible.
  • DEPRECATED: I frame conversion pixel still works, but is no longer suggested.
  • UPDATE: WordPress Block attributes now working on all custom blocks including Kadence
  • FIX: Admin bar helper sometimes not showing all variations
  • UPDATE:  If on page element doesn't exist any further (after editing a running test), then show default
1.6.21 - 22 May 2024
  • NEW: JS event abst_event on test visit and conversion
  • UPDATE: WP optimize cache plugin to auto cache clear
  • UPDATE: Conversion selector hardened for incorrect selector issues.
  • FIX: Perfmatters auto exclude removed as causing clashes
  • FIX: Statistics error when no observations
  • FIX:  Similar slug error in page variations
1.6.20 - 9 May 2024
  • FIX: CPT flicker
  • FIX: JavaScript getCookie function clash
  • FIX: multisite activation redirect error
1.6.19 - 3 May 2024
  • NEW: Test duration estimation
  • FIX: umami analytics JS error
  • FIX: bt_exclude_js not defined error
1.6.18  - 26 April 2024
  • Updated: intro video to the new walkthrough
  • FIX: bt_ajaxurl not defined error with wp rocket defer/delay
  • FIX: flicker on posts and CPT's when full page testing
1.6.17 - 19 April 2024
  • AI improvements
    • Now using only GPT4 turbo and JSON mode
    • New page suggestions - missing content suggestions.
    • New page conversion quality rating.
    • New reason why
  • Improvement: Welcome guide updates
  • Improvement: Perfmatters auto exclude from JS delay
  • Improvement: WP Rocket auto exclude from JS delay / defer
  • Improvement: improve speed of third party analytics tagging
1.6.16 - April 08 2024
  • FIX: activation error when license invalid or changing.
  • IMPROVEMENT: check for updates less frequently
1.6.15 - March 29 2024
  • UPDATE: new license tiers.
1.6.14 - March 18 2024
  • FIX: Full page redirect sometimes relative instead of absolute.
1.6.13 - Feb 27 2024
  • FIX: on page elements not displaying test winner
1.6.12 - Feb 22 2025
  • FIX: iframe conversion text method CORS error.
1.6.11 - February 14 2024
  • NEW: Guided welcome and activate sequence.
  • UPDATE: search iframe contents for text on page conversions.
  • UPDATE: on-page elements information split up into testing and conversion modes.
  • FIX: error when JS disabled.
1.6.10 - January 25 2024
  • FIX: Split test setup pages not displaying saved pages on sites with >200 pages.
  • FIX: Include page hashes on redirections
  • FIX: Some spelling
  • FIX: License activation error
1.6.9 - December 12 2023
  • NEW: GA4 via Google Tag Manager support.
1.6.8 - December 7 2023
  • NEW: shortcode [whatever you want
  • FIX: Plugin auto update not always updating.
  • FIX: Bricks elements hiding in the builder.
1.6.7 - December 5 2023
  • NEW: SURECART integration
    • Use 'Order Paid' as a conversion trigger.
    • (Agency) Use Surecart order value as conversion value.
1.6.6 - November 30 2023
  • UPDATE: moved restart test to settings tab
  • FIX: link to page ID not working with some permalinks
  • FIX: CSS alignment of buttons in admin UI
1.6.5 - November 28 2023
  • NEW: Filter 'ab_complete_confidence' to set custom test completion confidence percentage (default 95%)
  • FIX: Test completion confidence requirement sometimes set to 100
  • FIX: '$' in result list
1.6.4 - November 16 2023
  • Fix for attribute not registered error in Blocks
1.6.3 - November 15 2023
  • NEW Conversion method  - convert on text visible.
    • Choose text that when visible on page will trigger a conversion.
      • e.g. enter some unique text from a thank-you form confirmation message
  • Updated percentage traffic filter helptext
1.6.2 - November 11 2023
  • FIX Gutenberg error by removing lodash dependency.
1.6.1 - October 22 2023
  • Fix conversion page not showing correctly in admin
  • Fix full page test winner error
  • Admin UI improvements - tabs look like tabs
  • Full page variations showing up correctly in admin
1.6.0 - September 26 2023
  • NEW: Device size targeting. Test on small, medium and/or large screens.
  • UPDATED: Page selector on page setup updated to support websites with 200+ pages (ajax select2)
  • FIX: Elementor now on 'advanced' tab under 'responsive' options
  • Support for AB Split Test Free
  • Fixed some descriptions
  • Automatic license installer. When you download AB Split Test, it will have your license key hardcoded. Just click 'activate' under Setting > AB Split Test  to activate.
1.5.9 - September 6 2023
  • Fix warning for webhook_url undefined
1.5.8 - September 5 2023
  • NEW results UI - Results page more compact and easy to read.
1.5.7 - September 1 2023
  • NEW: Google Analytics 4 available on all plans!
  • GA4 rewrite to match convention
    • gtag('event', 'ab_split_test', { 'test_name': trackName, 'test_variation': trackValue, 'test_event': trackCat });
  • Fixed: AI form flashing when editing blocks
  • Update: hardened AI CSS popup CSS
  • Fixed: AI window showing in new Beaver Builder iFrame UI preview
  • Fixed: Show error when OpenAI API call doesn't work
1.5.6 - 7 August 2023
  • NEW: Full page split test archive pages and taxonomy pages.
1.5.5 - 4 August 2023
  • Fix: Duplicates showing when limiting traffic to a percentage
  • Fix: Cookie on skipped users
1.5.4 - 31 July 2023
  • UPDATE: Click conversion selector advanced mode.
    • Your element selector, then add a pipe "|" then event type. e.g. #buy|mousedown
1.5.3 - 29 July 2023
  • UPDATE: Bricks changes fix  compatibility
1.5.2 - 25 July 2023
  • NEW: Filter 'abst_allow_cors'
1.5.1 - 24 July 2023
  • FIX for showing default value with multiple elements
  • FIX for autocomplete firing when loading results
  • FIX for conversion type re-saving empty
  • FIX for elementor preview incorrectly
1.5.0 - 18 July 2023
  • AGENCY ONLY: NEW: Average Order Value optimization
    • Select WooCommerce Thank you page as the conversion, then check the checkbox for average order value.
  • NEW filter: is_tracking_allowed
  • Bricks conversion module bugfix.
1.4.3 - 13 July 2023
  • AI: GPT-4 upgrade. Much better, but slower results.
1.4.12 - 5 July 2023
  • NEW: Umami analytics integration
  • NEW: Cabin analytics integration
  • FIX: GA4 tags incorrectly formatted
1.4.11 - 4 July 2023
  • Update: new BB Responsive iframe builder compatibility.
1.4.10 - 27 June 2023
  • FIX: redirects occasionally not firing
1.4.9 - 22 June 2023
  • UPDATE: admin bar helper CSS Test swap between variations
1.4.8 - 20 Jun 2023
  • NEW: CSS SPLIT TEST - we'll add special CSS classes to your website body and you take it from there!
1.4.7 - 19 June 2023
  • Update: added * to URL selector
1.4.6 - 13 June 2023
  • NEW: Usermaven analytics integration (agency only)
  • NEW: Developer: new action log_experiment_activity
  • AI: Split test suggestion improvements
1.4.5 - 28 May 2023
    • When you choose full page suggestions, you will now be given Split Test ideas and alternatives, along with general conversion optimization advice
  • Performance update
  • Fix 500 errors on WP sites with a lot of pages
  • Fix cartflows conflict
  • NEW: select post types to test on under Settings > AB Split Test > Post Types
  • UPDATE: conversions: Moved WooCommerce conversion options higher up the list.
1.4.4 - 24 May 2023
  • FIX: Reset test not re-activating test
  • UPDATE : White label locations
1.4.3 - 23 May 2023
  • FIX: custom event (Woo) conversions not always firing
1.4.2 - 20 May 2023
  • FIX: SERVER timeouts / cartflows clashesp -  performance fixes to avoid server timeouts and infinite update post loop
  • FIX: AI: hide AI form unless logged in and administrator w api keys set
1.4.1 - 17 May 2023
  • FIX: multiple on page test variations causing unbalanced traffic distribution
1.4.0 - 13 May 2023
  • NEW: AI Suggestions
  • OpenAI API integration. Get a key from, enter at WP Admin > Settings > AB Split Test
  • On any page, go to Admin Bar > AB Split Tests > AI Suggestions and follow prompts
  • More:
1.3.18 - 2 May 2023
  • FIX: Agency features not displaying for split pay LTD holders
1.3.17 - 17 April 2023
  • FIX: Breakdance error - empty pages array.
1.3.16 - 7 April 2023
  • NEW: Breakdance builder integration.
1.3.15 - 30 March 2023
  • Refactored some targeting JS.
  • FIX:  Bug where test winner sometimes showed 2 variations
1.3.14 - 29 March 2023
  • NEW: Borlabs GDPR cookie support: call us 'split-test' or 'ab-split-test'
  • FIX: Revolution Slider Preview
1.3.13 - 16 March 2023
  • NEW: Webhooks [agency only]: send a webhook to slack, zapier or anything else when your test completes.
  • Fix: Timeout when checking license and server non responsive.
1.3.12 - 14 Feb 2023
  • FIX: Oxygen 4.4 compatibility
1.3.11 - 18 Oct 2022
  • FIX: Bricks updates compatibility fixes
1.3.10 - 19 Sept 2022
  • Improvement: Harden conversion pixel CORS headers
  • Improvement: Add support for Laragon ".test" development domains
1.3.9 - 12 Aug 2022
  • FIX - activate license function on certain hosts
1.3.8 - 11 August 2022
  • FIX - error when get_admin_setting( 'bt_bb_ab_lic')['user_level'] on new installs
  • FIX - unknown function send_activate_licence()
1.3.7 - 3 August 2021
  • Fix - blank page on full page redirects when using some lazyloading / script deferrals
  • Improvement: Test status now displayed alongside test title in Admin Test List
1.3.6 - 7 July
  • NEW
    • Conversion Type  - Time Active.
      • Trigger a test conversion after x seconds of user activity
    • Conversion class "ab-{test id} ab-convert"
      • Add element class to any element on the page to trigger a conversion
    • Full page tests - filter page variations
    • Replaced old EDD license updater
    • Admin CSS
    • Plugin update warnings
    • Blank pages on some tests
1.3.5 - 2 May 2022
  • NEW: Visit & Conversion Locations
  • Agency plan updates:
    • Plausible analytics integration
    • Mixpanel integration
1.3.4 - 26 April 2022
  • FIX: blocks sometimes not showing in editor
1.3.3 - 25 April 2022
  • UPDATE: On page tests variations display faster. Much faster.
  • NEW: Generate Blocks Support!
  • FIX: Highlighter show/hide some elements
  • NEW: Clear Purge SiteGround Cache on test update
  • UPDATE: Console log's now prefixed by "ABST: "
1.3.2 - 16 April 2022
  • FIX: Hardened hide variation CSS
1.3.1 - 25 March 2022
  • NEW: conversion type: Element click
  • NEW: conversion type:  JavaScript conversion
  • UPDATE: Bot detection regex update
  • UPDATE: optimize some admin CSS
1.3.0 - 21 March 2022
  • NEW: Oxygen Builder Support!
  • Full page testing:
    • Default page selector now includes custom post types.
    • Page Variations selector improved layout
  • Conversion Mode dropdown UX improvement
  • Fix: White screen when test settings are changed during a test.
  • Fix: Clarity conversion not always firing
  • Update: Page location stats for test visits and conversions.
  • Improved click conversion logic
  • CSS fixes
1.2.12 - 14 Feb 22
  • FIX - License key not updating on save
  • UPDATE - License key page ready for more options in the next release 😉
1.2.11 - 8 Feb 2022
  • UPDATE - Improved layout when viewing test results on mobile.
1.2.10 - 3 Feb 2022
  • FIX - License key input sometimes disabled
  • FIX - Hide additional metaboxes on bt_experiments post type
1.2.9 - 24 Jan 2022
  • UPDATE: trigger window resize event after AB Split Test is complete to trigger sliders and other dynamic content to refresh
1.2.8 - 14 Jan 2022
  • UPDATE - Bricks updates compatibility improvements for form element and others.
  • FIX - No post ID warning thrown on some archive pages.
1.2.7 - 10 Jan 2022
  • NEW: Bricks support! Requires v1.3.7
    • On any element. Go to Settings > Layout > AB Split Test
1.2.6 - 13 December 2021
  • FIX: Keep URL query string when redirecting
1.2.5 - 3 December 2021
  • UPDATE: Admin: updated test statuses descriptions to be more clear
  • UPDATE: Admin: fixed padding on headings
  • FIX: Localhost - When AB split test is running on localhost, cookies don't work. Now we use local storage on localhost.
1.2.4 - 30 Nov 2021
  • FIX - AB test class JavaScript to allow for non div's
1.2.3 - 22 Nov 2021
  • Fix - Hide CSS tags when full page testing
  • Update: Brought back the conversion module option, removing it was confusing.
  • Fix - Conversion module not firing when embed selected
1.2.2 - 17 Nov 2021
  • Fix: Multisite activation license error
1.2.1 - 15 Nov 2021
  • NEW: Class Tagging: use these special classes to tag tests in ab split test and do on-page testing anywhere! example classes... ab-1234 ab-var-{yourvarname}  more:
  • FIXED: typos
  • NEW: (Agency Plan and up): Reports! Use shortcode [ab_split_test_report] more:
1.2.0 - 6 Nov 2021
  • NEW UI... thoughts?
  • Agency plan: Google analytics/microsoft clarity/matomo integration more:
  • Update: IFrame conversion pixel: removed old incorrect warning text
  • Update: Removed all legacy references to 'experiments' - now only called 'Tests'
1.1.5 - 11 October 2021
  • Fixed admin results telling you to 'wait at least 7 days' after 7 days
  • Fixed subdomain multisite admin links not working
  • Fixed full page test page selector not working when no pages were present
  • Change some verbiage to be less dull
1.1.4 - 20 August 2021
  • FIX: JS error on external conversion pixel
1.1.3 - 30 June 2021
  • Conversion pixel updates
    • The old system was clunky and not dynamic at all. It was easy to trigger multiple conversions and you had to hand-code the variation into your conversion pixels. Very confusing.
    • This new system is dynamic and only fires a conversion once, using cookies to determine what variation the visitor has seen - automatically.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Old conversion pixels will continue to work, but should be replaced ASAP as they are less accurate. The old method of external conversion tracking will no longer be available after updating.
  • UPDATE: Conversion pixel updates
    • Now automatically detects experiment and variation using cookies.
    • Uses iframe element.
      • You may need to make sure your server has X-Frame Options turned off, or ALLOW-FROM the conversion URL.
      • X frame options are also often called "Clickjacking protection". Torn OFF clickjacking protection.
1.1.2 - 23 April 2021
  • FIX: only single conversion event firing in some situations.
1.1.1 - 8 April 2021
  • FIX: 'href' jQuery JavaScript error on admin
1.1.0 - 2 April 2021
  • NEW:
    • Full Page testing
    • WooCommerce - Order complete conversion trigger
    • WP Pizza - Order complete conversion trigger
  • FIXED:
    • Conversion by page ID error
    • Conversion by URL error
    • permissions_callback error when registering rest route
    • Faster redirect on autocomplete to the winning variation.
    • UX improvements!
    • Full page conversion redirect speed
    • Tabs to separate Setup from results
    • Results Auto Show when test has data.
    • Beta full page redirect modules. Will remain but eventually be hidden. Please use new full page redirects for all new tests.
1.0.13 - 19 November 2020
  • FIX: reintroduced empty array error
1.0.12 - 17 November 2020
  • NEW: Woo Thankyou Page and Checkout Page Targeting.
  • FIX: Woo Shop Page not triggering conversions
1.0.11 - 15 November 2020
  • FIX: Search harder for a Post ID if none found (useful for archives, woo pages etc.)
1.0.10 - 12 November 2020
  • FIX: JS conversion page errors when no experiments have been created yet.
1.0.9 - 28 October 2020
  • FIX: JS errors when no experiments have been created yet.
1.0.8 - 23 September 2020
  • NEW Admin Bar Helper
  • NEW: Click Selector Highlighter - when you enter a conversion click selector, the item will briefly be highlighted.
  • NEW: Split View for Admin Pages
  • FIX: Enqueue some scripts correctly
1.0.7 - 30 July 2020
  • Simplified click selector issues.
  • Searches for the element itself, then if it fails searches for an "a" tag inside the element, then an "img". That is it.
  • FIX: errors on pages with no queried_object (404's etc)
1.0.6 - 26 Jun 2020
  • IMPROVED: URL conversion targeting now more flexible. Target woo thank you pages in a snap.
1.0.5 - 25 Jun 2020
  • Fix: Elementor ab test not running on sections, colummns.
1.0.4 - 17 June 2020
  • Hotfix: Conversions not firing.
1.0.3 - 17 June 2020
  • NEW: BETA Full page (split) testing. LIKELY TO CHANGE
  • New JS trigger when AB test logic is complete.
  • Fix: Error when Elementor is not activated.
1.0.2 - January 2020
  • Minor bug fixes
1.0.1 - 16 October 19
  • Improved: logging of unique visitors and conversions instead of all visits and conversions.
  • NEW: Convert on element click! Enter the CSS selector of the items that you want to trigger your conversion.
1.0.0 - 25 September 19
  • NEW: Autocomplete (For pro and agency plans only)
  • Enhancement: Improved test completion criteria (>95%, 7 days, 50 views minimum)
  • Enhancement: Test Complete status.
0.9.10 - 5 September 19
  • Hotfix - empty licence key not saving
0.9.9 - 5 September 19
  • Hotfix - incorrect permission check
  • Added - Added hardcode licence filter - see docs for snippet
0.9.8 - 4 September 19
  • Fixed - white label settings not showing
  • Fixed - licence issue on multisite. You might need to re-save your licence in settings.
  • New - WP filters to move location of conversion module. [bt_bb_ab_conversion_group] and [bt_bb_ab_conversion_category]. See docs for more.
0.9.7 - 25 July 19
  • Fixed - Clash when there is an active experiment in more than one location (e.g. Themer part and main body)
  • Fixed - [unexpected] JS error
0.9.6 - 22 March 19
  • New: Targeting!
  • Target By URL Query
  • Target a percentage of site traffic
  • Target by URL query, then by percentage
  • New: Automatic Result Analysis
  • Each test now has an analysis of how accurate the test results are.
  • Each variation now displays a probability of winning.
  • Each experiment now has a quick analysis at the top of the results.
  • Updated: Default selector, for when the visitor is not targeted.
  • The default variation is the variation with the name [original],[default],[one],[1]
  • If no match to variations above, the highest variation in the DOM is selected
  • Updated: Cleaned up inline scripts and styles
  • Updated: Conversion page targeting now shows a dropdown of pages.
  • Updated: More accurate element targeting by variation and experiment ID
  • Updated: Error logging more descriptive
  • Fixed: Incorrect text domain
  • Fixed: Package name
  • Fixed: Plugin update notification message
  • Fixed: Empty licence key notification
  • Fixed: Clear cache on experiment save, to regenerate config
0.9.5 - 5 March 19
  • HotFix - Beaver Builder A/B admin Settings Page HTML error
0.9.4 - 1 March 19
  • Cleaned up conversion URL targeting to avoid duplicates
  • Added quick link to experiments
  • Bugfixes
  • Empty array on install error
  • Fixed multisite licencing and config issue
  • Added licence helper for no licence, or single site licence
  • Cleaned up logging
  • Moved module AB settings to Advanced tab - similar to row AB test settings
0.9.3 - Beta Release - 20 Feb 19
  • Added Licencing
  • Added modules
  • Improved speed of logging
0.9.2 - 10 Feb 19
  • Stable
0.9.1 - 19 Jan 19
  • Hello world

AB Split tests optimize your site forever!

The sooner you start, the sooner you can retire.