Multiple Conversion Goals – Subgoals

Heads up! This is an Agency only feature.

Gather more data to see how your test variations affect individual steps of your funnel.

Subgoal types

Most of the same conversion stryles are available as subgoals:

  • Page visit: choose any published page, post or custom post type
  • Conversion class: Add a class to the page that will trigger the subgoal.
    • Format: ab-{testid} ab-goal-{subgoalId}
  • URL: Enter a URL that when matched with the current page will trigger the goal
  • Time Active: choose how long the use

Viewing Results

  • go to your results tab
  • your goals will be displayed next to your conversions
  • click the drop-down in the table messing to swap between subgoals.
  • results are displayed as goal conversions and conversion rate

Walkthrough video

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