Test Duration Estimation

This powerful estimation feature predicts how much longer your current test will need to run to reach a conclusive result. This estimation is based on the current traffic and conversion rates, ensuring that you can plan and adjust your testing strategy more effectively.

How the Estimation Works

The calculation takes into account the number of visits and conversions each variation receives. It then projects how many more days are required until the test can statistically determine a winner with a high level of confidence (95%). This projection updates continuously as new data comes in, refining the estimate based on the latest information.

Limitations of the Estimation

It will take some time before an accurate estimate is given. For this reason an estimate will not be displayed until your test has run for 1 day.

There are practical limits to the estimation process. If the projected duration exceeds 500 days, the system recognizes that the test setup may not be optimal or the traffic is too low for a meaningful result within a reasonable timeframe. In such cases, the plugin will not display an estimate. This serves as an indicator that you might need to adjust your test parameters or drive more traffic to your tests.

Benefits of Using the Duration Estimation

Using the duration estimation feature allows you to:

  • Make informed decisions about when to end a test or extend its duration.
  • Adjust marketing strategies to increase traffic or conversion rates if the test is taking too long.
  • Plan resources and timelines for implementing test results.

This feature is particularly useful for marketing teams and website managers who need to align their testing schedules with campaign timelines or product updates. By providing a clear picture of the test’s timeline, the AB Split Test plugin helps streamline decision-making and optimize digital marketing efforts.

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