How to Download & Install the Latest Version of AB Split Test

We regularly release new versions of AB Split Test to improve performance, add new features, fix bugs, and ensure compatibility with the latest version of WordPress. We recommend keeping your plugin updated to take advantage of these improvements.

Step 1: Login to your Account Page

  1. Go to the AB SPLIT TEST Account page.
  2. Enter your email address and password, then click Log In.
  3. If you forgot your password, click “Forgotten Password” and follow the reset instructions.
Login page for AB Split Test with fields for username and password. Options include "Remember Me," "Forgotten Password," and buttons for "Login" and "Get Started.

Step 2: Download the Latest Version of the plugin

  1. Once logged in, click “View Details and Downloads”
  2. On the Confirmation Page, click on the ABSPLITTEST-[version].zip file to download it to your computer.
Receipt showing order details for a free AB Split Test plugin. Lists order status, order date, payment method, and plugin download link with installation instructions.

Step 3: Install the Plugin in WordPress

If this is your first time installing the plugin:

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Go to Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin.
  3. Click Choose File, select the .zip file you downloaded, and click Install Now.
  4. Once the installation is complete, click Activate Plugin.
  5. Your license key is automatically added during activation.
Screenshot of a WordPress plugin upload page with options to upload a plugin in .zip format via a "Choose File" button and an "Install Now" button.

Step 4: Start Using AB Split Test

  1. After activation, follow the guided walkthrough to set up your first A/B test.
  2. You can access AB Split Test from your WordPress dashboard under AB Split Test.
  3. Need help? Visit our Knowledge Base or reach out to our support team

What If You Already Have an Older Version Installed?

  1. Follow the same steps above to upload the new .zip file.
  2. WordPress will prompt you to replace the existing version.
  3. Click Replace Current with Uploaded to complete the update.
  4. Your license key and settings will remain intact.

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