Does AB Split Test Support WordPress Multisite?

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Yes! AB Split Test is fully compatible with WordPress multisite. In fact it was originally built for our multisite,

Your licence key is managed in the network admin, and sub site users have no access to any settings. 

You can Network activate, or activate only on the sub sites you choose.

Can I split test between sub sites?

No, each sub site is treated as its own site and operates independently of each other.

WordPress Multisite and AB Split Test Licencing

AB Split Test licencing is based on plugin activations, where AB test is active on your “site”.

If you network activate AB Split test on your multisite, you will use a licence for each subsite. If your multisite has 20 sub sites, you will need a licence with at least 20 sites available.

Alternatively, you can activate the plugin on specific sub-sites, and you will only use licences for those sites. If your multisite has 20 sites, but you are only AB testing on 5 of them, you will need a licence with 5 sites available.

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