Are you compatible with caching solutions like WP Rocket or full page caches

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All of your tests variations pre-rendered and hidden by default, enabling almost any kind of caching to work. When your page has loaded, the plug-in JavaScript does the work instantly and shows the correct variation.

FYI, this website is built using NGINX full page caching with WP rocket.

There are 2 cache-related things to watch out for…

Clear your cache after creating a test.

This is the #1 issue when a test isn’t doing anything, you are still displaying your old cached version of the website.

We automatically clear some caches, send us a message with your cache plugin and we will add compatibility.

  • WP Rocket
  • SiteGround Optimizer
  • WP Optimize

Delay / Defer JavaScript

This enhancements delays JavaScript execution which is great for many plugins, but not a split testing tool – we want that to be as fast as possible. So its best to exclude our scripts from that feature.

Scripts to exclude:

  • jquery.min.js
  • bt_conversion.js
  • abst_variables

In WP Rocket: 

  1. Admin > Settings > WP Rocket > File Optimization > Delay JavaScript Execution > Excluded JavaScript Files
  2. Add the 2 scripts above to your list.
In Perfmatters:
  1. Settings > Perfmatters > Assets > JavaScript > Excluded scripts
  2. Add the 2 scripts above

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