White Labelling AB Split Test

Want to use AB Split Test on your website or with no links back to https://absplittest.com?

After activating your Agency or LTD license, add the following code to your functions.php or use a snippets plugin

Rename AB Split Tests

    add_filter('ab_wl_name', function($title){
        return 'My Experiment Plugin';

Rename AB Test

        return 'AB Experiment';

Not working?

These filters have been recently updated. Please check you have at least version 1.3.6 of AB Split Test

These docs were previously incorrect, the filter function above has been corrected as of May 2023



  1. Graham George on October 8, 2023 at 8:38 pm

    Does not work on LTD plugins with Oxygen

    add_filter(‘ab_wl_name’, function($title){
    return ‘My Experiment Plugin’;

    • Tom on October 12, 2023 at 12:36 pm

      Hi Graham,

      Thanks, this will be updated in v 1.6.1. You will need filter ab_wl_ab_test

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